Birthday Competition – Millionaire


Our grand prize winner, who has won an amazing 1,000,000 coins, is Brett and of course his pet Bubbles! Brett’s song and video excelled in many of the categories as it is very impressive, resourceful, original, creative, fun and makes great use of technology! We aren’t quite sure if Bubbles liked having his face replaced by Brett’s, but we could tell that Brett certainly enjoyed it. So we really hope he will be “one content civilian” now that he has “slightly less than 40 billion”! Congratulations Brett, enjoy the boxes, fish, ladybug, bunny, gadgets, koala, blue bubble chair and whatever else you choose to spend it on (we’re sure your friends are really hoping there is a little left over for your neighbour pets)! Playfish will contact you shortly so that you can claim your prize!

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528 Responses to “Birthday Competition – Millionaire”

  1. ChocolateMilk Says:

    Congrats Brett and Bubbles!

    • shmoopster Says:

      So great!! Loved your video! Congratulations Bubbles!

    • kristie Says:

      WOW That fantastic!!! how can I visit bretts pet bubbles does anyone know??? I would love to see what he does!!!!

    • Annmarie Says:

      WOW. a very VERY well-deserved congratulations!! (i still have the tune in my head!! heehee) HAVE HUGE AMOUNTS OF FUN WITH BUBBLES & YOUR FRIENDS!!! \(^v^)/
      ~Annmarie & Shmee

  2. Birthday Competition Winners Announced! « Pet Society’s Blog Says:

    […] Pet Society’s Blog Just another weblog « Birthday Competition – Millionaire […]

  3. mads Says:


  4. hikari001 Says:

    this is such a good entry, very creative

  5. chandra Says:

    cute song! wtg!!! 🙂

  6. vannila cream Says:

    congratts brett :0

  7. zsa-zsa Says:

    i am one of his neighbours and i am waiting for my share! lolsss. just kidding.

    congrats brett.

  8. Esey12 Says:

    yeah,,1st to cOmment!! yay,,,bcoz i’m the 1st can you give me a million coins too…also playfish cash..thanks..haha

  9. aseel Says:

    nice very nice happy birth day pet society

  10. aseel Says:

    happy birhtday pet society

  11. Mae Says:


  12. khaled Says:

    i was hopping to win it 😦

    • Dianne Says:

      LOL Everyone was…be happy for the winner 🙂 He put a lot of effort into this entry…and it is great..but somehow a bit creepy with his head on his pet’s body! LOL Way to go Brett and Bubbles!!! CONGRATS!!!!

  13. Tami Says:

    Congratz dude!! You deserve it. 😀

  14. rovel corbz Says:

    wat a nice video, song & idea on what you gonna do in a million coins!!

    Congratulations to you Brett & ur pet Baubbles!! 😉

    You can also add me in facebook: is my email, just search it.. Tnx!! :big hug:

  15. rovel corbz Says:

    add me brett..^^

    i also need coins… hehe…. please Help me… 😀

  16. prix Says:

    wow i love it!! you deserve it!!

  17. Chalisa Says:

    he deserve that! awesome!!!!

  18. paul-licious Says:

    congrats my friend Brett and bubbles^^

  19. Brett Bayne Says:

    Thanks, Tami! I honestly could not have done it without you. I love your vocal contributions. You really make it so much more fun for me to listen to!

  20. lilypost Says:

    Congratulations! That was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!

  21. Sirael Says:

    Awesome! Congratulation :-DDD

  22. Enigma Says:

    WOW!!! You did a GREAT job… really deserve the 1M….Congratulations!

  23. Hana Says:

    Well done Brett! and congratulations Bubbles! you must be over the moon with becoming the first PS Pet Millionaire 😀

    • Brett Says:

      Ummm….Well (blushing), I don’t think I’m the first Pet Society millionaire by any stretch of the imagination. But I’m probably the first millionaire by way of a birthday competition! XD!!

  24. glss Says:

    my million oins birtday competition

  25. glss Says:

    birtday competition

  26. ro Says:

    its GREAT! congratulations!!! u SO deserve it


    enjoy ur million :):)

  27. Jaimie Says:

    winner deserves it
    well picked

  28. Fronda Says:

    Congrats! =)

  29. jasmin Says:

    con qei soldi comprerei cose per casa mia e per altri ma solamente se mi fate vincere

  30. Isabelle Says:


  31. Gwen Says:

    wow … this is so amazing , the song is nice too ^^
    congratz !! you deserve this ~

  32. BeeBe Says:

    fantastic job!!!
    congratulations man ;)!!

  33. star Says:

    very nice 🙂 congratulations 🙂

  34. Name'sAngela Says:

    Yeah you did but i deserved 100,000 😦 I am only 11 and i can’t do things like that (videos and comics) 😥 I am very upset and nearly crying…I even dreamed that i was one of the winners but my dreams and winning hopes are destroyed…

  35. Renee Says:

    What a nice song….Congrates!!!

  36. Tara & Princess Says:

    Well done, that is fab and truly deserving of first price! x

  37. pasidah Says:

    Fantastic!! Congratulations 😀

  38. Raphael Says:

    Cool! How did you do that?

  39. vale Says:

    Do not I understand that I have to do to win?
    que hago para ganar ?

  40. Daniel Says:

    Congrats!! You really deserve to win the million coins!! 🙂

  41. alexis's pet-pInKy Says:

    what a creative masterpiece!!!!you really are deserving to be given a price for your time ang effort for your pet….(wish i had a million coins like bubbles!!!:((

    • Brett Says:

      Gosh, “masterpiece” might be going a little too far. But only a little! Hahahahaha! Thank you so much, you flatter me, and boy, do I love it. 🙂

  42. chloe Says:


  43. chloe Says:

    u deserve this!

  44. Lionel Says:

    Congrats, deserved it…

  45. Tina Bayne Says:

    I’m so proud

  46. georgio Says:


  47. Jade and Lilly Says:

    Wow, Kinda creeped me out but well done to you!!! 🙂 Enjoy your prize 😀

  48. d0llsteak Says:

    really nice……. congratulations : )

  49. Sasuke Says:

    oh ! men i didn’t win the prize :((

  50. sara Says:

    i speak spanish but hier is spek english

    🙂 plis I am millonary pliis:)

  51. Zoe & bedazzle Says:

    WOW that was great good use of probs from the game and loving the faces you really went to town with it ….. congrats!

  52. Tzanampetis Says:

    hahahaha! that was great! congrats etc 😉

  53. mikka Says:

    congrats 🙂

  54. Tsukinohime Says:

    Amazing! °ò° you’re a geniuos ,guy! Congratulations!

    • Brett Says:

      Oh, please. “Genius”? I admit it was extremely well done and quite deserved to win despite what Charlotte down below thinks. But “genius”? Well, OK, if you insist. XD!!!!! Thanks very much for your comment.

  55. Lins Says:

    Excellent song.. well done Brett and Bubbles!

  56. Ira Says:

    wow, it’s amazing!! congratulation!

  57. haidy Says:

    happy birthday congratulations

  58. nicole Says:

    ENJOY UR MILLION COINS!!!!!!!!!!1=.=


    well done ‘ very nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  60. Asassy Says:

    hehe so funny but i can only watch vid till 2:53 or it freezes!O.O

  61. Amewsed Says:

    Wow, he totally deserves the prize. Good job and congratulations!

  62. yosyis Says:


  63. atelyn Says:

    congrats on the win you diserved it 🙂

  64. katelyn Says:

    congrats on the win you diered it 🙂 😉

  65. Miryam Says:

    Congrats Brett… you deserve it, great job! 🙂

  66. oumsker Says:

    That’s amazing work! Congrats!

  67. arina Says:

    Congrats!! Definitely the best!! Now the song is stuck in my head XD

    • Brett Says:

      Arina, I think I appreicate this comment more than any other. I really strive to write catchy songs, and I like to think this one gets easily stuck in one’s head. Thank you very, very much! I am really flattered.

  68. nonie Says:


  69. rushconstantine Says:

    I have to got one million coins i want to buy all in petsociety
    please,give me one million

  70. mags and amber Says:

    great video, really enjoyed it brett and bubbles deserved to win

  71. buster Says:

    nicely done bravo

  72. ella Says:

    Congrats very nice song

  73. estelle Says:

    The tune is now stuck in my head… Great video! Congrats on the win! =)

  74. Aury Says:

    Espectacular el video…!!! pero me gusto aun mas la letra y musica de la cancion!!! 🙂 congratulations Brett….

    • Brett Says:

      Aury, muchas gracias, me gustolo mucho tambien! 🙂 Agradezco sus amables palabras. Espero que hayan disfrutado de mi canción y video. Me divertí mucho que lo produce!

  75. Paulina Says:

    Great!! I love it!!!
    Congratulations! 🙂

  76. Pepeng Says:

    Prookkk…proookk…proookkk…. *outstanding applaus *….. congratulation to Brett & Bubbles !.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PET SOCIETY..happy to all the player and fans

  77. Bea Says:

    Congratulations Brett I like your video/song very much. Well done boy! =) Wow! How long ago are you playing on Pet Society?

    • Brett Says:

      I’m pretty sure I started in late March, because chocolate poo
      (April Fool’s Day item) was one of the first things I remember
      purchasing in the food store!

  78. Hannah Moon Says:

    Congrats, Bret! Awesome job! 🙂

  79. Bea Says:

    Thank you very much Pepeng! Loud aplause to Brett & Bubbles! XD

  80. Lisa Says:

    Congratulations to Brett and Bubbles! Nice song 🙂

  81. Fuschia Says:

    Congratulations Brett and Bubbles! Awesome video!
    Happy Birthday Pet Society! ^_^

  82. Samah Says:

    awesome job ..Congrats

  83. bryan Says:

    plis i need this coins

  84. lobita Says:

    quiero ser millonaria

  85. lobita Says:


  86. pebsmum Says:

    So cute, I love the video, congrats!

  87. momina Says:

    congratulations and celebrations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  88. g'anna Says:

    great job it was nice

  89. benja Says:


  90. Kathy Says:

    omg the song was so good!!!!

  91. Kika Says:

    I didnt win,but i am more happy that Brett and Bubbles win! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  92. Steph Says:

    OMG THAT WAS SO GOOD! That was so creative, you deserved to win! I hope you enjoy your bountiful coinage ^.^ Have a good one!

  93. MissLaurie Says:

    Hahaha! He totally deserves it! That was an awesome video.

  94. grüni Says:

    congrats! don’t waste the money too fast. lol

  95. txgirl Says:

    What a wonderful job! Congratulations on your win…very creative. Well done.

  96. Rhea Says:


  97. Ninfa Says:

    Wow, this is so great, I loved it… wanna be my friend? I would love to see what will you do with all those coins

  98. charlotte Says:

    boring entry. not sure why it won.

  99. ruth Says:

    wow … a lot of effort here … congrats 🙂

  100. Harleyblues Says:

    Hey Brett,

    don’t know you, but a huge congrats to you!! very nice….:)

  101. rafif ridho Says:

    me milion coins to pet society

  102. karina Says:

    very nice song!!!amazing job indeed!!!congrats and best wishes from buenos aires argentina!!

  103. Renee Says:

    wow, I didn’t have a chance. I don’t know why I even posted! that’s too good!

  104. LinG Says:

    Congratulations to Brett and Bubbles !!!
    ❤ ur video!!
    U deserved to win!

  105. kim Says:

    is the compition over if it is not yet over i wish u pet society a hppy birth day and pls. if u can be and let me win im sure my fish and i will be so happy in our new dream house thank u pet society and have a happy birthday pet society rocks

  106. Nicole Says:

    This is such a lovely song. An the voice is so inocent. Do ya work as a singer? You should do songs for children.
    Congratulations an many fun,
    Nicole an pet Sirman (bat).
    : ))))))))

  107. Neena Says:

    wow….i luv the song and the truly deserved to win brett!!!…congrats!!!

  108. :) Says:

    wow! nice job. can i know what is our email add??

  109. ketrix Says:

    congrats ! happy birthday

  110. aeriel Says:

    Happy delated b-day pet society…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!….can someone tell me who has friendster?please tell me your emails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1ill wait for your answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  111. JP1995 Says:

    WOW !
    Congratulations Brett !
    And Happy Birthday PS!

  112. avni Says:

    hey brett! congratulations….what will u do vid those million coins?! sorry i cun’t hear the song as my speakers aren’t working….ur video is gr8 !!!! u look handsome indeed,brett! bubbles is so lucky……!

  113. mocha Says:

    he deserves it…

  114. ronherlink Says:

    i like 1 million money to pet society!!!i trust u

  115. minnie says Says:

    Brett bayne i think your not always winning.Next time i will win

  116. santi Says:

    pet society a the nou and

  117. evans Says:

    she deserves it…

  118. evans Says:

    my pet is happy for what she doing

  119. evans Says:

    so she can deserves it…

  120. matteo Says:


  121. Valnea Says:

    very very good job!

  122. Kika Says:

    the best song ever, and i like to listen that all day!!!
    stuck in my head everytime i remember your video

  123. Sophia Says:

    Wow, that was great. I loved the song! This looks like it was made by a mac. I love iMovie. Anyways, Happy Birthday Pet Society. And Congratulations! Have fun buying all those things!

  124. callum whitbread Says:

    hiya i want a 1,000,000 million pounds so i can make my house look more nicer can you send me a millon cion for me plz cause i’ll be so happy thank you callum

  125. Carol Says:

    A greatest work you´ve done: a wonderful song and creative video!!!


  126. Dan Beller Says:

    You definatly deserved to win man. That dang song is still in my head. It was great

  127. Nikk Says:

    Great job, I loved the song! You deserve the prize!

  128. Shan Says:

    What a fun video! I love the song- very catchy tune (I’ll have to add it to my YouTube favorites now. I think it would be neat if they’d play the song in one of the stores on the game (that would be great to shop to!)

  129. eloi Says:

    very nice!

  130. maryori Says:

    uno como se puede meter en petsociete

  131. eloi Says:

    hi brett, i want to be your neighbor.. i wanna see your pets millionaires house =)
    if you dont mind, can you please add me,
    thank you so much and congratz.. you’re so talented.. =)

  132. Alex Says:


  133. Says:

    Iam don`t have speak english Sorry !!
    Holaaaaa qe piola qe esta el pettt nos re vimoooo 🙂

  134. Says:

    QIERO SER MILLONARIA… Este es el unico juego qe entiendo y me encanta , salgo todos los dias del cole re apurada para jugarlo , aun qe asew mucho no lo conoscoo ME ENCANTAA 🙂

  135. Says:

    I LOVE PET (L)

  136. mohammad Says:

    nice video

  137. mohammad Says:

    nice video 🙂

  138. Michelle Says:


  139. memo Says:

    my birthday is coming soon so i want this money realy

  140. chilicandy Says:

    Awesome !

    Its so creative and the music is so infectious ! :p

    congratulations !!!! WOW !

  141. andres garcia Says:

    hola no hablo español

  142. Bekah Anne Says:

    ohh wow tht was amazing mine woz garbage compared to tht

  143. danusia Says:

    awwwwww so cute! i love it!!! congratulations!

  144. Lenore Says:

    LOVELY 😀 Song’s stuck in my head … Will bookmark this page so I can continuously listen to this XD
    Congrats! You + Bubbles definitely deserved to win – it was very creative and funny to see your head pasted in like that, since the pets themselves don’t really show emotion much. GJ 😀 (Y)

  145. rafe2a Says:

    me gustaria ganar el premio para compartirlo con mis amigos

  146. karla Says:

    hola magnifico

  147. karla Says:


  148. Carrie Says:

    HAHA! That was SO awesome and totally deserved to win. Congrats!

  149. Elizabeth Says:

    Awesome. Congratulation Brett. Happy Birthday Pet Society.

  150. ceina Says:

    awersome :*

  151. katie Says:

    hi get me coins for a real job

  152. LYNN Says:


  153. Gabriela Says:

    Great Song!!! Soooo CUuuteee! congrats!

  154. Sheilla Says:

    Wow I’m impressed, song and video, both are amazing.

  155. Nancy Fernandez Says:

    nice video! you really deserve to win that prize! CONGRATS!!! 😀

  156. ... Says:

    awesome, i wish i won the 1 million coins, i wouldve bought everything in ps and i would then get every trophy!

  157. Maggi Says:

    but if he waste his million coins he’ll be poor. not like pet society because pet society have million dollars. CONGRATULATIONS PET SOCIETY AND CONGRATULATIONS PLAYFISH!!!

  158. bajeenot Says:

    This is cute and unique! Wonderful indeed!

  159. Maggi Says:


  160. javier Says:

    Felicitaciones Brett, en realidad tienes mucha imaginacion y creatividad , me gusto mucho el video y te mereces ese premio. Que lo disfrutes 🙂

  161. Teresita Baniqued Says:

    congratulation Brett. Hope you share one mystery box for me. hehehe

  162. tekcol Says:

    Congratulations! First of all, you have inspired and shown creativity of thinking outside the square. The video had 2 words to describe it- Fantastic & Magnificent. You really deserve it, its a no wonder Pet society chose you for the millionaire. Its absolutely amazing, i wish i had that many coins.. Im 12 and i will never be able to do that! Once agin, congratulations!!

  163. Vamluna Says:

    Congratulations! That was an awesome video, very original and creative. 🙂

  164. kit Says:

    congrats! the song is cute! i like it! haha 😀

  165. camila Says:

    frm camila and missy!!!

  166. Sweet Sue Says:

    Very clever and creative. Love the catchy song!

  167. Kyara Says:

    Amazing job!! Really deserve the prize! 🙂 love it! 🙂


  168. AC Says:

    CONGRATS, Brett! That was so awesome!

  169. Teresa Says:

    WOW! Great job!!! He deserved to win!! 🙂

  170. Sarah S Says:

    Fantastic – well deserved winner.
    Well done Brett

  171. br0nxy Says:

    congratulations brett, u deserved it, well done 🙂

  172. Spydrldy Says:

    Outstanding!!! Congrats Brett and Bubbles. Enjoy the bootie.

  173. mariè Says:

    …complimenti… davvero bravo!!! meritava di vincere!!!…

  174. jennifer Says:

    I love it! congrats!

  175. Sadddddddd Says:


  176. lulita Says:

    cograts Brett it was great u deserve it:) realy am singing with u right now 🙂

  177. Ines Says:

    Great song!! Really catchy; got it stuck in my head, and pretty sure I’ll be singing it for some days!!! Congrats! totally deserved it…. Besides from winning a million coins I’m quite sure you also won a million friends now!! really nice song (and video)!

  178. Jennifer H. Says:

    Grats to all winners. I loved Brett’s entry. 🙂 Good job!

  179. Gayle H. Says:

    Congratulations – Very brilliant and well thought out … love it :o)

  180. sarasara Says:


  181. Q Says:

    that was so cute! I am so envious of creative people!! Ypu totally deserve to win. can i be bubbles’ friend? i’ve never had a celebrity friend and neighbor! 🙂

  182. Helen Says:

    Well done Brett & Bubbles! What an amazing effort! That was such a catchy little tune, I know it’s going to be in my head for days!

  183. Rhoda/Secretbaby Says:

    Wow, that was fantastic. Well done fellow Pet Society junkie. LOL Love your presentation & love PS!!!

  184. Tara Says:

    Dude, that’s Awesome! The song, the pics, the video…witty, clever…just Great & hilarious!
    Great job, you Totally deserve it, Enjoy all your winnings 🙂

  185. Nikita Sophia Says:

    Congratulations Brett and Bubbles, you are very talented.

  186. Laura Says:


  187. Rachel Says:

    Great entry!! Congrats!

  188. Suzie Says:

    that was brilliant Brett. thanks for sharing your imagination and skills…
    happy birthday pet society…i have so much fun playing!

  189. Cherie Manzano aka Binky Says:

    I know you’ve heard this more times than the number of coins you won (lol) but what a great song and creative video. I would like to ask if you are a professional musician or singer. (If not, you SHOULD be!)

  190. matt11 Says:

    is not fear. anyone can do something like that. He doesnt deserve the prize.

  191. bliss Says:

    *cheers!* great job.. : )
    now if you can adopt my pet… lol.

  192. HollyLouise Says:

    lmao bloody brilliant xD
    The tune…it’s so catchy! 😮
    I’m going to be singing ‘what would I do with a million coins’ for at least the next few weeks x)

    Congrats !

  193. Troy Sexton Says:

    Hey Brett 🙂

    Great job!

    Now you are going to know what it must be like for those that win the lottery in real life 🙂 You will have so many new friends & distant relatives stop by hoping to get a little candy from the NEW Sugar Daddy 😉 LOL

    Congrats! If you want another neighbor, I’d be more than happy 🙂

    Troy Sexton

  194. sandy Says:

    brett!!! you are amazing… very creative… ahhh everyone just wishes to win.. even my 5 years old son… he will be happy to see your site tonight… congrats..

  195. kedicik Says:


  196. Marilyn Says:

    Awesome video about a favorite game. Enjoy you $$$. Well-earned.

  197. Ivonne Says:

    Wow Brett!! great job!!! I loved the song, it’s very catchy! 🙂 it made me happy hahaha

  198. alejandro Says:

    en noviembre cumple mi pet

  199. marianne Says:

    happy birthdayyyyyyyyyyy

  200. Amy Says:

    Keep It UP .. Good luck ahead !! 🙂

  201. Therese`and Pebbles Says:

    I love your video Brett And Bubbles.Its AWESOME!! You deserve to win.Congrads.

  202. michael Says:

    io voglio essere il vincitore please

  203. julie Says:

    WELL DONE MATE !!!!!



  204. Carolina Says:

    Just excellent!!!! congratulations!!! you deserve that prize!!!

  205. Clau Says:

    It was fantastic…I really do like your sense of humor 😀
    Congratz to you, winner :p

  206. monica Says:

    This is just fantastic! I loved it (and have been singing it all day!) Good job Brett and Bubbles. your talents truly earned the prize! Woo Hoo! Happy Birthday PS!

  207. Nessa [Pet: Mokiki] Says:

    haha! lol. Your video was so creative & funny! You totally rock! Congratz!

  208. Jessica Says:

    Congratulations! I salute you and Bubbles!

  209. Baroom Says:

    Great job mate 🙂 Congrats 🙂
    P.S. Borrow some money ;p

  210. hopediamond Says:

    Brett, your video is wonderful. Congratulations on winning the million coins. May Freddie and I have a loan????? LOL.

  211. libby Says:

    fantastic !!! very well done .. congrats on winning Brett

  212. Gisou Says:

    that’s a great song!! congratulations!!!

  213. Deb R Says:

    Cograts Brett, pretty cool… Mite catch u in the cafe!!!
    Cheers from Deb down under (AUSTRALIA)

  214. Kirsty G Says:

    Wow… awesome work Brett!! well deserved win!!! enjoy the coin!!! 🙂

  215. Cecilia Raquel oyanedel Says:

    uuuuu bkn ganee

  216. rhiannon Says:

    im guna have that song in my head for ages now hehehe
    must of tooken you ages
    your brilliant
    rhiannon + baybee

  217. Claire Says:

    Well done Bret fantastic job!
    And to those greedy people who are just posting asking for coins, they need to sort themselves out!!!!

  218. Gatita_72 Says:

    very nice song!!!

  219. Flor Says:

    Great Video! I really enjoy watching it! 🙂

    Congratulations Brett & Bubbles!

    You deserved to be the Grand Price Winner!

  220. NAT Says:


  221. Cristian Rios Says:

    La verdad que es una mierda pero muy mierda y pedorra boludo dejate de inchar la bola loco!( congratulations! is a real master piece!!) Pelotudo que infeliz y al pedo que estaba este tipo… (Its wonderfull! I relly enjoy this! he can be a real artist!) un infeliz mas… Saludo a lo pibe! Good luck!!

  222. ji ji Says:


  223. Patricia Garcia Says:

    Wow, amazing job.
    Congratulations !!!

  224. Catherine Says:

    Awesome job with the video! You deserve the first prize!!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!!! I wish Babalu and I had a millionaire pet friend like you 🙂

    Best wishes,
    Catherine & Babalu

  225. JuanKa de Chile Says:

    Hey Brett… EXCELLENT ! you are very creative !

    I think you really deserve it…. so have fun and spend it with Bubbles !

    by the way, nice song… Hugs

  226. Kimmy Schmidt Says:

    Brett I Loved Your Video!! Did You Use Windows Movie Maker For It? It’z What I Use And Your Pet Is So Cute! Congrats And I Think The Video And The Drawing Is BRILLIANT!! Add Me On Facebook If Yah Want.
    My Email’s:

  227. Tayuya Says:

    Congrats! :3

    That Video-Was Amazing! 😀

    Im glad you won.


    -Tayuya & Little TayTay [Tay]

  228. javiera yturra Says:

    me gusto muxo el video

  229. gathy Says:

    i am one of his neighbours and i am waiting for my share! lolsss. just kidding.

    congrats brett.

  230. Maddy pet name (starburst) Says:

    congrats!!Very creative and funny and clever!!! 🙂

  231. Daniel Says:

    Saludos al ganador y a todos los participantes, saquen una mascota de chávez que se pueda matar jejejej

  232. Izy Says:


  233. macs Says:


    u deserved the miLLiOn cOins!
    ur awesOme!


    cOngrtas brett!

  234. silvina Says:

    🙂 bubbleslicious…
    i´m happy for you!!!!!!!!!

  235. Melissa Says:

    Congrats, Brett!!! Love the entry! Absolutely catchy! makes me wanna sing along.. 😉

  236. Nessie Kylli Says:

    Congratulations to you Brett and Bubbles, you sure did deserve your winning – your entry brought a smile across my face :D.

    All the best to you!

    Kylli and Mussukka

  237. MOTAZ Says:


  238. tbeau Says:

    congrats brett…i know you won’t be lacking for neighbors & friends now! lol

    that’s what they say about real millionaires…that’s what they tell me 🙂 !!!!

    catchy tune…good work!

  239. mesethp paragah Says:

    Wow!!! I”m blown away, that was really impresive and quite inspiring. Your “song and dance” is so amazing. God bless ya man.

  240. Sinclair Says:

    Well done Brett, your next quest is to write and sing 1,000,000 songs, I,d listen to them all, greetings from Australia.

  241. stupid Says:

    this one???? O____O win????????
    which admin vote for this???????????????/
    i saw many post higher creative and bla bla bla than this
    I’m not saying that this one is bad or boring ’cause brett but his mind on it
    But this one DOESN’T GOOD ENOUGH to win !!!

  242. emilia Says:



  243. nino Says:

    hope i will win the next competition

  244. Pop Pingoo Says:

    WOW!! You totally deserve it!! enjoy and congrats 😀 but now this song keeps playing in my head!!!

  245. myat myat moe Says:

    Congrats…….great job ….LOL 🙂

  246. ANim3LuV Says:

    good job
    ((and i actually mean it~!!!))
    great video!

  247. AtEkOy Says:

    This isn’t worth a million coins…..but

    This is what playfish, pet society, & all of us we should be proud of!..

    Congratulations Brett & Bubbles!

    i Love it!..We LOVE it! ^_^

  248. Patricia Says:

    Holaaa Amooo Pet society a mi a mi petuu ,mejoren el servicioo por favorrr no puede ser que nos tengan asi , todo el dia en mantenimientoo POR FAVORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. y por lo que veo en los comentarios no solo en la argentina en varios paises estan igual ,

  249. Anne Smyth Says:

    Very clever Brett, most impressive. Pink and I look forward to seeing you in the coffee shop so we can go and visit and see how you spent your winnings 🙂

  250. shadi Says:


  251. Beigie-Girl Says:

    Hi Brett! Congratualtions! Enjoyed the video–very creative! Loved it–10 paws out of 10 paw points!!!

    Hope to see Bubbles in the Cafe….

  252. beaker Says:

    Very good, especially the song…..very creative!!!! GREAT~~~

  253. Leslie Says:

    Wow that was soooo excellent!! Great work! Very creative! You and Bubbles deserve every penny!! Happy shopping!!

  254. Kim Says:

    Congratulations – great entry!

  255. PurpleJam Says:

    Wow, congrats to you, winner Brett & his Bubble 🙂 Really take the effort to create nice shots to celebrate Pet Society 1st birthday bash, no wonder they can’t don’t let you win the 1st prize ….. mayb I should now start to try compose the next 2million coins song for their 2nd birthday party, by then, maybe it will be completed and ready for the competition ;P Once again, happy birthday Pet Society and kudos to Brett & Bubble

  256. amelia Says:

    common brett share some of those blessings

  257. nikko Says:

    hmmmm…congratulations!!..more power!..:D hmmmm..i just wonder…may i have bonus coins?..:D i really nid to buy stuffs for my pet 🙂 thanks…once again, congratulations!..

  258. SitI Says:

    Its okay. but i didn’t really like it. its a total rubbbish!

  259. shruti Says:

    amazing sure desreved it!!!! enjoy the prize 🙂 cheers!!!!!

  260. S.Beyer Says:

    That was the best work for a competition I have ever seen! You really deserve to be the winner!! Congratulations!!

  261. Kai HUi Says:

    Well done! So cute with the big head and small body! He really deserves it!!!!

  262. Sooz Says:

    Congratulations – I have no idea how that is even done but it is fantastic! I am hoping that such creativity is used in the real world and not just pet society!! I even like all Bubbles outfits. Hope you get to enjoy all the things you sang about.

  263. Olivia Stokholm Says:

    How creative! I really enjoyed it.
    Congradulations Brett and Bubbles : )

  264. dreamer Says:

    awesome o.O
    bubbles, u & ur master did a great job ^^
    congrates (n_-)

  265. cutie!!!! Says:

    sorry brett…. the video doesn’t appear on my screen!!! but still I guess that its great from all those wonderful comments!!!

  266. chipchop! Says:

    congratulations brett! you deserve those million coins! you’re the best! and also bubbles! 🙂

  267. bluesky Says:

    happy birthday pet society please help me to build myhome i need u

  268. cutie!!!! Says:


    hey brett Im gonna send a friend ruqest to you… I just really wonder what your house lookes like as tghe millionaire of PS. you can delete me after afew day or weeks. 😀

    my name is “defne zuhal yorgancioglu” (im turkish)

  269. saria Says:


  270. Elaine Quah Says:

    Congrats hun!!!! You truly deserve it. Your video is fantastic and so is your singing 🙂

  271. Jools Wilson Says:

    WOW! I would love to know how to do all the animations myself, well Peefor, (my pet) and I are going to be singing your little song as we trundle around visiting friends and the shops! The whole thing was fantastic! you are a well deserved winner and I must say I was particularly pleased to see the competition was won by a man. many congratulations!

  272. Jinx Says:

    this is awesome
    you deserve it!:)

  273. blissey Says:

    HUH???? What with??,.,., i just like playin here,., thx

  274. Danna Kaye Says:

    wow! it’s so cool!

  275. Jade del Rosario Says:

    Such a great masterpiece! i even watch it thrice.. =) you almost promoted pet society and that’s great! =) the song, creativity, everything is great! =) i really love it and the song almost stuck up in my heart and in my mind =) it’s just like im having a last song syndrome, haha! joke! =). kidding aside, it’s really great! =) great work brett! =)

  276. Jade del Rosario Says:

    Such a great masterpiece! i even watch it thrice.. =) you almost promoted pet society and that’s great! =) the song, creativity, everything is great! =) i really love it and the song almost stuck up in my heart and in my mind =) it’s just like im having a last song syndrome, haha! joke! =). kidding aside, it’s really great! =) great work brett! =) good job! =)

  277. patrisha Says:

    nice so cute! lots of EFFORT! CONGRATULATIONS!!! you well deserved it!

  278. Laura Says:

    Wow! Wonderful and very creative, love the song lyrics!
    Congratulations Brett and Bubbles – well deserved winners. 🙂

  279. maya Says:

    Happy birthday pets i love this game thank you for inventing it! im happy for the fans like me i like every single pet i this game

  280. Manos Baskavaris Says:

    Well done Brett i think that your entry worthed so many coins!!!!^^Congratulations for your win,i am very happy…but also sad for not winning anything but you can’t be the winner even if you want to can you?Please add me on facebook.My name is:
    Manos Baskavaris and help me as i would do if i had won something…

  281. salah sweidan Says:

    i want to be meleonair in pet socity

  282. Kris Says:

    wow!!really nice…u did an amazing job…u deserved the million…Congratulations…

  283. Kitty Says:

    Congratz Brett n Bubbles! You really deserve it! I mean the song and video was great! I think the song is stil stuck in my head… 😛 Anyway, Happy Birthday Pet Society!

  284. Hollie Says:

    That is such a good entry ! You deserved to win so much !

  285. jhenn Says:

    share me some coins! hahaha

  286. Casandra Says:

    Congratulations! I didn’t even bother to enter…I knew I couldn’t do anything as spectacular as what some can do. But you really topped what I had in my head! Very catchy tune Brett…keeps me thinking of Bare Naked Ladies song “If I had a million dollars”! I think yours is better though…comes from a sweeter place if you will. Be well and don’t spend it all too quickly!

  287. soh ai jia Says:

    betty do u mine adding me??i really wish to be your friend coz all my friends are mean and activless hahas anyway congrates

  288. cooljadelou1 Says:

    Wow! That was brilliant! He deserved to win!!!

  289. shannon Says:

    i want 1,000,000 coins !! lol xx

  290. Genn Says:

    Congrats, Brett, nice job! Enjoy!

  291. Siew Eng Says:

    Great job! Well deserved win..

  292. Ryan Letch Says:

    Wat! tht was just showin petsociety wiv videochanges
    hes already rich as it is y didnt playfish giv it to sum1 poor

  293. Ryan Letch Says:

    oh pls put nycomments here cause i wont respond to them on the other comment thread

  294. Jozaine Hermelijn-Wall/ Divana Says:

    Wow, this was totally amazing……I wish I could be so talented…..a million congrats!!!!

  295. Fabiola M Says:

    omg I L-O-V-E IT :D, you (and bubbles of course) really deserve the prize 🙂 congratulations brett ^^

  296. Nick Says:

    wow…that woz really good……i think if i entered, id have no chance…….what would i do with a million coins???????

  297. marcus Says:

    very creative indeed… deserving…congrats brett… would u care to share? i want a piano pls? for my pet marcus…

  298. calista Says:

    wow i like it! the song is so nice i play it so many times haha so meaningful…..:D

  299. Pink panter Says:

    Good job!!and congrats…pet society creat plz new events to win a million coins…:))) i need cash
    !!!! lol

  300. Katya Says:

    wow, this is really awesome! I really love what you did! It’s a great way of saying ‘happy birthday’ to pet society! 🙂

  301. Sil Says:

    That was awsome Brett, congrats! enjoy your prize!!

  302. Marilyn Says:

    Well done, a very deserving winner, hope you have a big smile on your face

  303. Eileen K Says:

    Your video is awesome !!! I really enjoyed your video. By the way, how did you manage to do all this ? I mean the song. You sang it ? Your IT is also very good to do all this. ( really hope to know )

  304. Lilian Says:

    the video is simply fa b u l o u s, congrats Brett and Bubbles!! you were awfully creative Brett, your price is well deserved 🙂 kiss to Bubbles from my pet Funky =^..^=

  305. Kim Says:

    Congratz Brette!! was AWSOME AND FUNNY!!!!!!!!!nice song!!!IT WAS SI CREATIVE,ORIGINAL,CUTE:)

  306. Belinda Kusumo Says:

    Congratz Brett! U deserve it… u & ur pet a millionare now. Please feeding my pet Mochie while i’m going out/when your passing my pet house ;). And if u get borring with your old stuff,i’ll accept a donation hahaha.

  307. Abigaile Says:

    REALLY,REALLY GOOD! Congratulations …..Brilliant….p.s. super nice voice and music… made me smile!

  308. krissa Says:

    aaw.. it’s really awesome and pretty!

  309. fina Says:

    what would I do with a million coins……
    there’s a lot of zeros in a million slightly less than 40 billion.
    na na na na na na…xD

    catchy song.
    it’s brilliant.
    congratulations Brett and Bubbles.
    and a happy happy birthday to pet society.
    you made one civilian very happy. x)
    greetings from the philippines 🙂

  310. darlene Says:

    yipee!! you won the million coins! you know what, ever before i can’t even do the ’10 thousand’
    when i get 9 thousand below i spend it!i can’t just buy in luxury..congratulations Brett.I was amazed with that song. More on the ‘shocked’ view of you..Bubbles will sure enjoy his ‘MILLION’ hope you to be friendly not greedy!
    see you around!
    ”I wish i had that million coins because….”I submitted one like that PS!
    See ya

  311. Rossana Alyssa Says:

    Woah…I want a million coins too!!
    I really enjoyed your video. It was AWESOME. The song was so catchy! You deserved to win. Congratz, Brett!

  312. Diana Says:

    Congratulations!!! It’s funny.

  313. Hannah Montana Says:

    Hey yall its me Hannah Montana,
    Id just like to say to yall happy birthday and well done to all the winners!!
    Hannah Montana

  314. piscesix Says:

    lol. at first i was so so so jealous but after watching and listening to the video i felt so happy for you. you really deserve to win. nice job. it’s worth more than a million 😀

  315. qijie Says:

    brett u deserve is the best video i ever seen.:)too bad i don’t know how to participate im only a 9 year old child.:(

  316. ??? Says:

    lame man i hate ur video but… nice 1,000,000 coins

  317. Kayeray & Fritter Says:

    Good job Brett! It was very interesting & loved the tunes too! My kiddo really loved it.
    Enjoy your new wealth!

  318. cutiepie_101 Says:

    wooow that was great!! congratzxzxz

  319. marina bonacci Says:

    tanti auguri a pet society….dai suoi small pet

  320. flavia Says:

    me encanta !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  321. Cynthia and Mango Says:

    LOL…that was GREAT!! I think I’m going to be hooked on that catchy tune all day! Congrats, you truly deserve it! Awesome job! 😀

  322. Jade Says:

    Congrats Bubbles and Brett!

    AWESOME VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now the song is stuck in my head…ok..seriously what ARE you gonna do with the million… whats your top ten? :))))

  323. IceGem Says:

    omg brett, that was awesome 😀

  324. Anja, Denmark Says:

    Really good movie and a funny song. Nice job, you deserved the prize. ;oD.

    Bye from Anja, Denmark.

  325. Heidi Says:

    I like it 😀
    the song is so fun =B

  326. Jinky Says:

    Wow! This is so cool! My video wasnt even HALF as good! Love the song. I also think that u deserve this prize. CONGRATS!!

  327. Mellisa Says:

    how do you make that berret

  328. Liana Says:

    That was a fantastick video! I

  329. Johan Says:

    Happy Birthday!! Congratulations… I’m the winners!!

  330. Kayla Says:

    Wowzas!!!! Great job brett! that was absoulutly AMAZING!!! I would never even think of doing that!!! All the ryming and everything!!! If you’d like can you add me as a friend!!! 🙂

  331. Aimil Says:

    wow…that is so coolllllllll….. ^_^
    congrats Brett and Bubbles 🙂

  332. Lena Sunarya Says:

    Congrats Bret and Bubbles, that’s so beautiful…you are fantastic..and you deserve it!
    I’d love to hear the song again and again….I believe my Pet Tania and I will sing it everyday we play at Pet Society…
    Well, actually August 8th was my 57th Birthday, but I couldn’t open Pet Society, it has been under maintenance up till now….I don’t know why….
    anyway..Happy Birthday Pet Society

  333. Diane Says:

    You really did an awesome job!! Congrats to you and to your lucky neighbors!!! I am happy for you 🙂

  334. Rola Says:

    is prefect……

  335. Alexander Gan Says:

    I appreciate that; though I still think mine is best. Mine was giving my money away. All million coins. I dunno why others won’t share the money. But yours is a little reasonable…

  336. Alexander Gan Says:

    Oh, I forgotten. My birthday’s ALSO on 8 August. Just that it’s 10 years exactly before Pet Society was created. What a coincidence!

  337. BETANIA Says:


  338. Rick Says:

    Your entry is creative and cool… But dude, honestly you don’t have to be so cocky… And also, there’s no need to be “racist” with non-english speakers… C’mon we know it’s great to win a competition but you didn’t cure cancer…

    (Sorry if my comment is a little harsh… I do not mean to be a hater, it’s just the ways things are)

  339. Cata Gómez Says:

    I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much worK! Congratulations!

  340. viska Says:

    Selamat atas kemenangannya. Bagus banget !!!!!!! ( Do u understand ? )

  341. Melodyn Leong Says:

    U are wonderful!! Brett!! U did a great job 🙂 this video really read my thoughts, and u presented it out with this wonderful idea 🙂

  342. Susan Says:

    Well done-you must have worked very hard and you really deserve the prize.Very creative-love it!xx Susan and Pigwig xx

  343. marie benedetti Says:

    this was sooooo awesome!!!! you have a real talent!!!

    would you like to be my neighbor???? ( I only have 3 and could use some more)

    marie =:)

  344. Franko Says:

    congratulations brett 🙂

    that is adorable, cool and a catchy song. I could listen this all day

    very nice job 😉

  345. andrea moreno Says:

    que nunca se termine el pet (felicidades en su cumpleaños)solo agranden mas las piezas,ajajajja.

  346. sarah Says:

    BRILLIANT!! Brett really deserved the prize. Congrats!!!

  347. Aaron Says:


  348. Abina Says:

    omg congragulations! and awsome video i could of never done that…and i agree with everyone best way to say Happy Birthday Pet Society!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  349. Abina Says:

    hey brett im hopingto see to see your pet5 and house in pet society

  350. iara schonherr Says:

    that video was sssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!! my pet gremlin loved it hahahaha :), you absolutely deserved to win the million coins!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  351. Margie Says:

    You did a great job.. I wish I was as resourceful…

  352. Margie Says:

    Wish you were my neighbor…. You did a great job…. wow… giggle, giggle…

  353. bethany Says:

    nice job! very funny.

  354. Myenormica Says:

    Brett, I wanna visit ur pad now that you’ve won a million. I wonder what it looks like now?! Hmm.. Congratulations!

  355. Marjorie Says:

    hola amigos de pet, la verdad es que quisiera por lo menos ganarme algunos de sus premios, lamentablemente no entiendo como es la tematica de los concursos pero ojala tuviera la oportunidad de ganar mas monedas para mis mascotas.

    les envio saludes y felicitaciones por este gran JUEGO!

  356. luke Says:

    !!!!!!have fun!!!!!!!!!!CONGRATS

  357. erick Says:

    Congratuulaations!!! Thanks pet society, conins coins.. xD

  358. Alessandra Says:

    juju q fino

  359. shrunkhala Says:

    hey that was so cool! …… congrats……wish i was one of ya neighbours!
    u deserved it……..truely! well done!!!!!!

  360. Sandy & Sweetums Says:

    Congratulations Brett and Bubbles,

    We think you have the makings of a hit song there. We really enjoyed it tremendously!
    Maybe Pet Society should have a radio station and they could play your song all the time.

    Congratulations again on your big win. Don’t spend it ll in one place! LOL

    Take care,

    Sandy & Sweetums

  361. madhu Says:


  362. anon7096 Says:

    LOL u did great brett im poor mind lending me a million! just kidding

  363. Patricia Says:

    Muy divertido el vídeo y muy original! Se merece el premio! Felicidades Brett! =)

  364. beata stawicka Says:

    fantasticooooooooooooo! complimenti Brett 😉

  365. perla ruiz Says:

    veerrryy happy

  366. Rikki Says:

    That has to be one of the most creative pieces done for this contest and i really enjoyed watching it i thunk i might even watch it a couple more times cause the song is catchy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it most have toke a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!! he really deserves the prize for that great job!!!!!!!!!!!

  367. jonny Says:

    the video is so, but so cool

  368. jonny Says:

    😀 🙂 XD 😛 °.° ¬¬´

  369. Petal Power Says:

    Well done Brett and Bubbles – brilliantly done and you deserve two million!
    <3<3Petal + Gill

  370. Phoe Says:

    That’s really nice! I played it over again. :p I loved it. Well done Brett.

  371. natalia Says:

    tht’s fantastic he should win all the prices!!!!!!!!

  372. riley Says:

    Your video its great, would you ad me as a friend to see all the stuff you are going to do with your money?

  373. margoe Says:

    wow bret! congratolations!
    i watched your video!it was awesome! thats why u won u really deserved it uhh i really wish i could have won..
    well nice work u did very great! wonder wat it feels like to be the first millioner in pet society like you?

  374. Bridget and Bunky Says:

    Brett … that was so cute and enjoyable. Very addictive! Outstanding job, and congratulations! If they sell champagne here … buy some for you and Bubbles! Cheers! 🙂

  375. Dee Says:

    Brett, congratulation i saw your video it´s really cool you deserved the prize im so happy for you i´ll like to visit your home in pet to see all the beatiful things you must have after winning the prize 😉 Only for curiosity im kitty.k. in pet 🙂

  376. carmen j. soto ramirez Says:

    buenoooooooo bueno cualquier novedad haganme llegar a este mail por favor soy de lima- peru con cariño carmen soto

  377. Nine Says:

    Congrats Brad and Bubbles! You deserve it! You just make my day! I sure hope to be your neighbor!

  378. Nine Says:

    Congrats Brad and Bubbles! You deserve it! You just made my day! I sure hope to be your neighbor! See around the hood. =)

  379. Diego Says:

    Wow dude! Congratz! You are the luckiest guy in the world! nice playin’ dude

    And cheers to Bubbles 😉

  380. Christy Says:

    wow that was great must have took a lot of hard work CONGRADULATIONS Brett and Bubbles!!!:)

  381. Paola Says:


  382. fai Says:

    i،m happy for evre1

  383. chocolila Says:

    1st congrats brett that was an excellent video and a very creative idea!

    and second I will love to be your neightbor… will you add me?

  384. ghada khaled Says:

    hey plz can any one tell me how to take those million coins?

  385. Lynn Says:

    Congratulations Brett! That was really really good. I watched the video several times already. I hope you will add me coz I really wish to see your pet and your pet’s house.

    Thank you.

  386. Gina Says:


  387. Yazmin Aitken ( Betsy) Says:

    I’m so happy now we have the first STAR of Pet society … Our own John Lennon … 🙂 I hope you have fun spending and been a Celebrity … I would like to have your autograph I’m betsy a great citizen of PET SOCIETY ;))

  388. Lilian Bustria Says:

    Very nice. Congrats Brett for your very fresh and unique ideas.
    Happy Birthday Pet Society!!!

  389. Paula Says:

    Really funny, thanks we will be smiling all day! Congrats px

  390. Barbara Says:

    Congratulations Brett! I wish you were my neighbor… Enjoy your coins.

  391. AtEkOy Says:

    i Love it! So Amazing!

    Happy Birthday Pet Society!

    cOngratuLatiOn to bRetT & bUbbLes!

  392. happyrudolf Says:

    wow! amazing! what a job you did!! félicitations !!! regards from a belgian Pet: happy rudolf

  393. hiedi Says:

    nice cool song…. oh no now its in my head! :O its not going away!……. 😦

  394. Monnie Says:

    happy birthday to youu … happy birthday to youu … happy birthday dear petaociety happy birthdaay tooo youuuuuuu!
    love you<3

  395. Garce Patricia Owen Says:

    Brett & Bubbles BIG CONGATULATIONS the video is awesome, great ideas. Enjoy your coins and get all the nice things you have been wishing for.

  396. ohcirej Says:

    now your a millionaire, GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!
    GALING mo dong! este g’ling mo p’re!

  397. Catherine Says:

    well done

  398. Maria del carmen Says:

    Hola soy nueva en el juego.Me divierto mucho. Los felicito por el cumpleaños y qu sean muchos mas. Muchas felicidades.

  399. aysh Says:

    wow!!! i loved the song so soo much!! congrats u definitely deserve it !!

  400. Mitchal Says:

    Well done Brett Brilliant Song and you deserved it
    Still wished i had won but its ok u deserve it more

    Well Done Mate

    Mitchal and his Pet Ruby

  401. Yara Says:

    hey brett congrats for you and bubbles!!!! your so lucky,well it’s luck its kinda being creative and all. i loved your video sooooo much!! can you add me and send me coins cause i only have 2??? please??

    just search Yara Baba and my picture is a dog??? and once again congrats for you and bubbles!!! BYE!! 🙂 🙂

  402. fluhh Says:

    xD todo vicio el ruco
    mejor que se ponga a acer algo de probecho
    a jalar o a etudiar mijo

  403. ber Says:

    amo el pet societyy!!!!!!L)

  404. Mashaxx Says:

    OMG… how much did he win….???

    Great Video Brett…. !!!

  405. Deb Says:

    So catchy. You should do some commercials and turn that into real money 😀

  406. Minda Says:

    waw really great..

    you do the triple attack
    -you create the song
    -create the music
    -and editing the video deserve the price brett

  407. Claire Says:

    That was genius , hilarious , I love it .
    Put a smile on my face on a very wet and miserable day !

  408. haifa ibrahim Says:

    congratulations. love it and like listening to it many deserve the million and i wish to have it too one day 🙂
    add me, I’m also a pet society addict.

  409. jessica Says:

    of course its some old dude with no life.

  410. dhinskie Says:

    so nice…keep up the good work….

  411. puni Says:



  412. Janet Says:

    good job. very creative!

  413. Churrumina Says:

    good job dude. i was SO looking forward to getting that money but it was all guvin to someone who really desrved it! nice job

  414. sarai Says:

    congratulations!!! i want to be your friend hehehehhehe

  415. valeria von edelsberg Says:

    =) =D xdd no mee puedo meter en la competencia que hay que hacer ????”

  416. gino Says:

    esa cansion fe muy divertida ya por su letra y ritmo .me parece que es muy bueno que nos muestren aquella cancion.

    FELICIDADES “pet sociaty”

  417. gino Says:

    esa cansion fue muy divertida ya por su letra y ritmo .me parece que es muy bueno que nos muestren aquella cancion.

    FELICIDADES “pet sociaty”

  418. Joveth Says:

    wow! awesome… Congratulation!

  419. RoBByMyRaBBiT Says:

    American Version:It was really funny!How’d you do that editing face on your pet?

    Filipino Version:nakakatuwa talaga yun!pa anu mu napalitan ang mukha mu gamit ang mukha mu?Ang galing!

  420. RoBByMyRaBBiT Says:

    My Comment for American Version:It was really funny!How’d you do that editing face on your pet?

    My Comment for Filipino Version: Ang galing mu pre at isa pa babae aku gus2 ku lng sabihing pre anu gus2 mu? dude? ahahah! hayaan na congrats dude or pre haa!

  421. PooPoo Says:

    Really great … u deserved this grand prize ..

  422. RoBByMyRaBBiT Says:

    Happy B-day pet society sorry for three comments i got click the submit comment already but yah know ps and me have the same month for a b-day i suppose!
    saturday’s gonna be my b-day!

  423. zee Says:

    i like this video…. cute….

  424. pao_dlr Says:

    a masterpiece, really genius, I just marvel at seeing what you have done…

    really 1M congratulations and if you were so kind to add me as a friend just to be available to see the wonders you could do with that money! hahaha that will be really nice my email …

  425. HAZEL Says:

    plz give

    me coins



  426. CutieHaydee Says:

    WOW!!CONGRATS WINNERS!!!!!happy you’re the winner…hehe..while i’m not..=(

  427. Smart Says:

    That is so gay!!…WTF!?? stupid song ever…and you give him (or should i say ‘her’?) a millon coins for that piece of shit??…unbelievable.

  428. sherly Says:

    i want milion coins

  429. james Says:

    All i can say after watching your winning video

    Congrats Brent and Bubblesxxxxxxxxxxx

  430. LHA_CHEELITO Says:


  431. nelly makoukji Says:

    como subir

  432. Engels Leonel Says:

    Excelente juego

  433. jacqueline alarcon Says:

    sere millonaria aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  434. jacqueline alarcon Says:

    sere millonaria…………..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  435. B'bert Says:

    I’m a french girl my name is Alice and I love this game.
    please gimme coins to play pet society.

    • Benedicte Burg Says:

      Alice, tu dois gagner les pieces!!! En visitant tous les jrs tu recois celles de la loterie. Tu en recois en visitant tes amis et en faisant des activites avec ton “pet” (corde a sauter, ballon, etc…). Enjoy! 😉

  436. Francesco Says:

    Very very good job… it’s astonishing… u definately deserved it…
    Plz, I’d like to add u in Pet Society, I searched Brett Bayne but I can’t find u… there are soooo many!
    I’m Francesco Pugliaro from Italy and I’m the only Francesco Pugliaro on Facebook… Plz add me!!!
    I know it seems that I want to be your friend just to recieve a present (if u want to share your money), but don’t feel constrained to do it… I just want to visit Bubbles and watch your house becoming wonderful and full of Luxury-items… ^_^

  437. me:jesse pet:jessman lvl 27 Says:

    nice vid u really diserve that win!

  438. Christian Says:

    i love it!he is fit to be the winner!

  439. reina Says:

    hi brett! congratulations for winning a million coins. your video is fantastic.

    i’m new on pet society and i’m hoping you can add me. i wish to make friends with the new millionaire. hurray!


  440. Flora Says:

    I’m a girl from Hong Kong.
    Congratulation to Brett and his pet, it is excellent video, I love it. 🙂

  441. monana Says:

    Congratulations Brett and Bubbles!

  442. jovita Says:

    felicitaciones a los ganadores ,espero un dia gane yo

  443. Janet & Ralphie Says:

    That was truely amazing and inspirational! What a terrific job!
    Wanna be pet society friends? I’d like a millionaire in my neighborhood! (I don’t know any millionaires – except you!)
    Great job! Contrats on winning!

  444. Kristy the kiddo... Says:

    Brett, I’ve seen many, experienced lots, but yours true express my feeling. Anyways, how old are u? I’ve been only on pet society for 5-6 months but I’ve already got 84 000+ Points! By the way, I didn’t cheat like one of my friends did. How do u report? I have been working hard, but sometimes I just don’t get enough money.
    Can u be a nice guy ( hehe) and lend ( or preferrally, give) me some money? ( with the cherries on top, ‘course)
    Plz add me! 🙂 🙂 🙂 😀 😛 ^_^ >_<
    (srry about the weird email )

    Thank you so much, love your humour!

    Kristy 🙂

  445. Benedicte Burg Says:

    Awesomely cool!!! 😀 You sure deserved to win…

  446. Noni Says:


    That was AMASING Brett! Happy Birth Day Pet Society

    P.S I like cheese!

  447. yunkatevicky Says:

    ur vid and song are really nyc, congrats!!!

  448. Cheryl Gereau Says:

    He should win them all.

  449. jennie Says:

    hi i think you really deserved it nice vedio must have token weeks to make the master peice

  450. Nebraska Denise D. Sulibit Says:

    If you can add me can you give me coins because I really really need it pls I beg you even 1 thousand or bigger than that oh how about 500 just don’t give me 500 and below. Oh and congratulation’s.

  451. Casey Says:

    HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooohhh, this is sooo good!!! Great video!! Hahaha, oh my god, so funny… WOO!!! Happy B-day Pet Society!! And congratulations to Brett and Bubbles! ^^ 😀 The first picture choked me…


  452. Lucky13 Says:


  453. tim Says:

    he just ripped of some one’s song and the other stories didn’t even stand a chance this is completely limited by use of technology fixed race to who ever is more competent with technology. maybe pet society should find us links to teach us some of this basics and add basic guide lines hope he gets sued

  454. tim Says:

    it was still cool but none the less limited competition

  455. Ludovica Says:

    wow ma cm si fa a vincere??quì siete tutti americani??O_o

  456. Crispy Says:

    Love love love your entry! How do you do that kinda stuff…I’m still coming to terms with my on line pet being pleased to see me…..better than the boyfriend!!!!
    Brilliant, very worthy winner! xxx

  457. simon Says:

    nice idea. ive watched it over 10 times and its still not boring

  458. simon Says:

    o and lets celebrate the freedom that indonesia had after indonesia is taken over by the british (INDONESIA MERDEKA!!!!!)

  459. Marlyn "choki" Says:

    Hi Brett. Congratulations! cute & nice MTV, and hey you said you will share your million coins hehehh so add me up =) tnx

  460. may Says:

    congrats to you … and great work you had done

  461. Nina Miličić Says:

    Congratulations! It is soooo amazing! I love it! 😀 I wish I could be your neighbour 😀 Wow… 1 million… really great job!

  462. jovie Says:

    it’s great! and i love it! hope we can be neighbors so he can also share me his coins! 😀

  463. Loopy Says:

    brett i loved the vid it is so funky and catchy !!!!

  464. Belinda Says:

    haha well done brett… plz give me some money i need it plz

  465. Farabi Says:

    My Birthday and Pet Society have the same birthday ……8th August
    Nice Job Brett …

  466. JiaZhi Says:

    Nice One 😀
    hope if there is another competition that gives us 1million coins again lol

  467. Amy and Bearface-ette Says:

    Congratulations!! I really enjoyed the video + song. I didn’t think it was creepy, thought it was pretty cool 🙂

    Enjoy buying fabulous things for Bubbles. He deserves it too 🙂

  468. theodora Says:


  469. Patricia Says:

    yay!! awesome!!!!!! cool!!!!!!!

  470. Patricia Says:

    your song is awesome!!! Love it

  471. Abi Says:

    Lol its funny how everyone on here are like goldiggers ‘hey congrats… im in need of coins……..’
    I just think congratulations, as so many people were trying to win it and like your so lucky you got it (: Well done (:

  472. Jerrah Mae Says:

    You dont know me but Congrats! you put a lot of effort in the video and original song. I’m relatively new, only been playing for a month, but i was wondering if i can visit your house? I just want to see. I saw some really great ideas in your videos and i really want to see the rest of your house, esp now that your a millionaire! no holding back on decorating anymore, eh?

  473. Chloemypet Says:

    Well deserved Brett!!! You´re a Pro, awsome video !!! Congrats !!

  474. oxx3mmaxxo Says:

    lol i was dancing the whole way thru i watched 4 times………….FOUR!!!!
    welll done it was awsome the lyrics were hilarious u deserve the million coins i entered but we cant all be winners well i wish we could hehe im gonna watch it a 5th time XD lol

  475. cricel Says:

    iwish iwill win 1 million coins

  476. Kellie Says:

    Congratz do whoever u r!! I wish i like knew you so u could give me stuff!! 😦 well anyway cograts!!

  477. moodyfiola Says:

    Really cute song! Congrats!! 🙂

  478. emily Says:

    he should not have won it was boring and we never even saw bubbles

  479. Matias Says:

    yo cumplo años el 25 de Agosto y talves que ganooooo!!!

  480. Domino Says:

    Hello Brett,

    You REALLY did a great job!! I LOVE your SONG!!


    I can’t believe that people ask you money!! Yikes!! 😦

    ❤ ❤

  481. jadee Says:

    Congratulations Brett what an awesome song maybe u should be a song writer because that was a very catchy little song u produced Good Luck and enjoy spending those coins

  482. PiNkY SwEeT Says:

    OmG its really coooooooooooooooooooolllllll ……….i like it i laughed haha!!! Wow Bubbles is sure a happy pet…my Pinky will never be rich like that…=(!Congatulations!! Spend money good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YaY!;DD

  483. alisha Says:

    well done to u and bubbles
    you deserve it.

  484. Natt Says:

    A really good entry. I keep singing it ;D Its so funny how everyone keeps asking you to give them coins LOOOOOL

  485. karlee Says:

    it was ok i guess

  486. Benedict Says:

    wew..nice work..^ ^

  487. lea Says:

    that was so cool i love the song congrats!

  488. Nuzhat Says:

    WOW,WOW,WOW,,hey brett u don’t deserve only one million coins,but u also deserve a million billion WOWS!!!!!!!!!!!It was mindblowing video n the song?It is constantly echoing in my mind.It was so so sooooooooooooooo way cool

  489. Leira Says:

    wow.. you really desrve it.. haha… good tune and kyrics… very creative…

  490. KcWong Says:

    Wow…It was the best video among all…You really deserve it, Brett and Bubble!
    Hope u will enjoy the 1 Million Coin gift! Enjoy!

  491. m7amd9 Says:

    i want to my coins form 3000 to 40.000.000

  492. Bella Cullen Says:


  493. ryan clifford Says:

    hahah! nyc video.. he really deserves it! i can still here the music in my ears.. LoL!

  494. elie chammas Says:

    it’s amazing the song and i like to listen it all the day i love it it’s the best and u you are the best and u deserve this price of money plz reply to me and add me ok? bye and congratulation

  495. mariapereira Says:

    como ser millonario en pet society?

  496. Amir Thompson Says:

    That music is amazing, and I’m not really into that genre!

  497. sportsbetting Says:

    Could not be written much better. Reading this post jogs my memory of my old room partner! He constantly kept discussing this.

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