Welcome To Aqua Flow!


Alright Pets! Are you ready to explore the deep blue sea? This week we’re diving to the depths of the ocean and getting back some awesome items that just can’t be found on land! Hold on to your tails Pets! Because we’re going underwater!

We have some amazing items in store for you! Starting from the Aqua Mystery Wig Box, with wigs that look good above and under water! To the most comfortable bed in the deep blue sea! Get the best view of the ocean from the Scene Changing Aqua Window!

So what are you waiting for? Dive into Pet Society NOW!

Ride the Waves with Aquaflow!

9 Responses to “Welcome To Aqua Flow!”

  1. susan shaw Says:

    Although this is a repeated theme, there are some different things this time that I like: the lobster outfit is so cute! I also like the aqua cave key and scene changing window. And the expression on the turtle plushie is sweet 🙂 . Combined with ocean themed items I’ve saved over the years, this week will be fun! Thanks, PS

  2. Matthew Says:

    This week is nice, although we did have a theme like this a while ago. 🙂

  3. ashley Says:

    This is a fun week! I do recognize some of the stuff from previous weeks but that’s okay. 🙂

  4. Linda Says:

    why continue playing petsociety when you’ll be closing it on june??? it’s pointless. why do you do this to us, your loyal gamers??? 😦

  5. gigi & mike Says:

    so sad….. 😦 so why’s that peach jellyfish thing the weekly digging treasure? thought it was the blue octopus thing…. who cares tho right? seriously, so sad…

  6. emma Says:

    why are you shutting down? why can’t you at least leave the game accessible for us to play? without updates? you are killing our pets! My friend and I have been playing this game since 2009!!!!! =( =( =(

  7. emma Says:


  8. susan shaw Says:

    *******TO ALL PET SOCIETY GAMERS*******

    We have located an address of the CEO of EA and are launching a letter campaign to try to save our game …
    Please send a letter and request the game stay on Facebook with no interruption to the investments we all have made. Thank you for your help in trying to stop the plug from being pulled and please pass the info on to your friends…

    Larry Probst CEO
    Electronic Arts Inc.

    209 Redwood Shores Parkway
    Redwood, California

  9. 10susanamabel Says:

    Hace años que juego al Pet. Avisan que el 14 de junio cierra, pero el jueves 18 de abril ya no hay elementos para seguir armando durante la semana y en el blog no hay otro tema nuevo. Luego hasta el 14-6 qué hacemos? Limpiar a nuestras mascotas y darles de comer?
    Señores, me parece que nos están faltando el respeto a los que seguimos el juego, aún con los pocos incentivos gratuitos que ponían, en época de crisis económica mundial. Por qué dejó la gente de jugar? Por ustedes, que no supieron ver la realidad y saber que un juego ayuda a distraerse, siempre y cuando no sea un obstáculo por que lo mejor hay que pagarlo.

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